What Is Cialis for Women, How Does Female Cialis Work, How to Take, Adverse Effects, Contents, Effectiveness, Where Can You Buy & F.A.Q.

- Similarities between ED and Female Sexual Dysfunctions
- What Is Female Cialis?
- How Does Female Cialis Work?
- How to Take Female Cialis
- Female Cialis and Its Adverse Effects
- Female Cialis Contents
- The Review of the Female Cialis Effectiveness
- Should You Buy Female Cialis?
- Where Can You Buy Female Cialis?
- Female Cialis F.A.Q.
The popularity of various PDE5 inhibitors has been rising steadily over the course of last two decades ever since the original PDE inhibitors Sildenafil Citrate made its way to the market in 1998. The vast majority of people know this compound under the name Viagra. It has been a major groundbreaking discovery that happened by chance: scientists discovered the potency of the drug when they tested it clinically as a drug against arterial hypertension and angina.
The next PDE5 inhibitor to hit the market was Tadalafil also known as Cialis. This was the next step in the evolution of PDE5 inhibitors. The new drug had a prolonged effect, worked better for some individuals, and also was a capable medication against benign prostate hyperplasia as well as arterial hypertension. In fact, the medication was extensively marketed under the brand name ADCIRCA and sold as a drug for patients with high blood pressure.
Similarities between ED and Female Sexual Dysfunctions
Erectile dysfunction is a condition when an erection is either too weak for a penetration or does not occur at all even after strong stimulation of genitals. There is nothing shameful in this condition, but all men associate their performance and ability in regards to sex with their masculinity. Erectile dysfunction is caused by physiological abnormalities in the overwhelming majority of cases. Psychological reasons are insignificant compared to cases when the main villain is high blood pressure.
Two biggest offenders are diabetes and arterial hypertension. Both cause ED by creating obstructions for the blood flow especially in areas near genitals making it harder for cavernous penile tissues to soak in blood and engorge. This is why the most effective therapy is to help the blood flow freely. Before the discovery of Viagra, most effective therapeutic methods were mechanical. Many men were aware of penis pumps that basically forced the blood into penile tissues.
Cialis is a potent PDE5 inhibitor that works on the physiological level and allows men to easily achieve erection either voluntary or involuntary. The success rate is close to 80% with the vast majority of Cialis users reporting at least some improvements to their condition. However, this seems to be so distant from the problem of a decreased libido in a woman…
It is hard to believe for some people, but a clitoris is a miniature version of a male penis. Clitoris functions much like male penis in many regards. This organ is made of primarily cavernous tissues and easily soaks in blood during arousal. This allows for much better sensation. Some women do not realize that they start losing their interest for sex due to the lack of sensation.
This is where Female Cialis comes into play. This is a pill that contains a small dose of Tadalafil and can help women to get aroused and improve the sensation by allowing genitals soak in more blood exposing more nerves thus significantly improving sexual experience during an intercourse. While intravaginal feelings stay pretty much the same, the clitoris and external parts of vagina become more sensitive.
What Is Cialis for Women? (Female Cialis)
This is a groundbreaking medication that has been used in generic forms all over the world to a great success. The pill contains anywhere from 10mg to 50mg of Tadalafil depending on the brand. This pill also has a moderate amount of inactive supporting ingredients. Most modern pills are designed in such ways that allow for the quickest adsorption of the drug.
One of the core advantages of this drug compared to many other similar medications is that it works for extended periods of time. Cialis was called a “weekend drug” due to its long-lasting effect that persists for up to 48 hours after the intake. The half-life of the drug in the body is quite long and allows the drug to remain active for 1-2 days. The concentration of the medication does not affect how long it works in the body.
Female Cialis became popular after its successful market history in several European and Asian countries where it helped millions of women to experience incredible sex and get back their sexual drive. This is one of the most effective medications when it comes to treating decreased libido.
Female Cialis proved to be one of the most effective drugs to help in cases of decreased libido regardless of its cause. In some scenarios, the medication works much better than all other forms of aphrodisiacs and help in cases of sexual dysfunctions caused by anxiety and stress. This is mostly due to the fact that the drug improves the sensation and elevates the sexual experience during an intercourse.
How Does Cialis for Women Work?
The pill contains only one active ingredient — Tadafil. As mentioned above, this drug is a PDE5 inhibitor that works much like many other similar drugs. Arteries that transport blood to genitals are being relaxed by the release of NO (nitric oxide) from endothelial tissues. The release of NO improves the cGMP molecules production rate that smoothen muscle cells thus allowing arteries to transport more blood.
Women with diabetes type II and high blood pressure suffer from poor blood flow. In bodies with such diseases a clitoris is an organ that does not fulfil its function to the fullest extent. While nerves are still somewhat active and allow for sufficient sensation the intensity of feelings is not great which makes sex less exciting. The degrading satisfaction from sexual activities slowly leads to a complete lack of interest. This can change the hormonal system dramatically and cause significant changes in libido.
Improving the blood flow and increasing the intensity of the sensation are two priorities when it comes to treating various sexual dysfunctions in women. This is why female Cialis is considered a very efficient and resultative medication for such cases.
How to Take Female Cialis
Dosages vary depending on many factors including the general condition of the organism and desired effect. Most manufacturers offer pills with 10mg of Tadalafil for once a day usage. At the same time, the recommended daily dosage for most men is 2.5mg or 5mg of Tadalafil. If the effect is not satisfying, increasing the dosage to 10mg or more can be a good idea. However, a consultation with a specialist is highly recommended.
The drug is available in 5, 10 and 20 mg dosages, but there are companies that offer stronger pills with up to 100mg of the active ingredients. Nonetheless, the vast majority of widely popular female Cialis pills contain less than 10mg of the drug per pill.
One of the strictest recommendations is to avoid mixing together alcohol and Cialis. The latter is a vasodilator often prescribed to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension while alcohol acts as a minor vasodilator as well. Combining them together may lead to a life-threateningly low level of blood pressure. There are also several clinical studies suggesting that the medication works faster and better when consumed on an empty stomach. Fatty foods, grapefruits, and protein-rich meals can slow down the adsorption.
When taken on an empty stomach, the drug starts working within 30-40 minutes after the intake. When taken with foods and/or grapefruit juice the effect can be delayed by additional 30-40 minutes. Of course, this depends on the physiology of a person. Some people do not notice the delay at all.
Female Cialis and Its Adverse Effects
There are several adverse effects that should immediately alert you. If you have any side effects that bother you and make you uncomfortable, either stop taking the pill (most effects are dose dependent and reversible) or visit your doctor for consultations. Some adverse effects are milder than others. Depending on the severity, a patient must decide whether to go a doctor.
Here are some of adverse effects that you should be aware of before starting to use the drug:
- The temperature may rise leading to flushing, redness of face, and general discomfort;
- Headaches, migraine, and pulsating pains;
- Problems with the digestive system such as diarrhea, constipation, and upset stomach;
- Sore throat, coughing and sneezing, stuffy or runny nose;
- Pains in muscles in general and back in particular (common side effects for all PDE5 inhibitors);
- Decreased blood pressure level;
- Dizziness, loss of orientation, fainting;
- Changes in sensory perception such as blurred vision, discoloration, loss of hearing.
Men who take PDE5 inhibitors are usually informed about a very rare condition called priapism. This is a phenomenon that manifests in a very prolonged duration that lasts for 2 or even more hours. If an erection does not weaken over time, penile tissues can be severely damaged. In most cases, the damage is permanent. Something similar (to a lesser degree) can happen to a woman. Clitoris may swell and remain in a very sensitive engorged condition for a prolonged period of time. This can cause discomfort, pain, and also cause permanent tissue damage.
If you noticed any of the effects listed above, seek for medical attention. Note that you should not panic and calmly get to your medical health provider and explain what happened. Even if you lose hearing and/or vision, do not panic. Calmly call to your doctor and ask for help.
Female Cialis Contents
This pill may contain various components, but the main active ingredient is Tadalafil. This compound is a capable PDE5 inhibitor that helps to improve the sensation in the clitoris and often provides a libido increasing effect (due to its physiological effect that dramatically improves sexual experience of females).
There are several other ingredients:
- Lactose. Used mostly as a filler that has no color or taste yet provides great hygroscopic effect.
- Microcrystaline. Another inactive ingredient that forms the body of the pill.
- Cellulose. Works as both a stabilizer and a filler.
As you see, all components are providing transportation for the main drug and help you to consume it easier and faster. Most popular generic female Cialis options are quite effective and do not have any other complementary ingredients of which Tadalafil requires none to be effective. Note that the vast majority of components are all-natural and do not cause any health problems. Inactive ingredients are used as solvents and transportation means for the main active component.
The Review of the Female Cialis Effectiveness
Female Cialis has not been extensively studied. However, various independent research studies suggest that the medication provides sufficient therapeutic effect to be used as a primary medication for sexual dysfunction in women. The vast majority of sexual dysfunctions experienced by female patients stem from either psychological or hormonal issues. Nevertheless, there are several reasons why Female Cialis can be helpful in both cases.
Psychological issues are often caused by either stress or anxiety. Very often, women simply get bored of sex due to experiencing less and less satisfaction which can be a sign that genitals are simply not as sensitive as before. Tadalafil helps to improve the blood flow and sensation thus allowing women to reignite their passion for sex.
Hormonal changes are hard to overcome. However, the increased blood circulation coupled with better sensation, again, can be quite effective to help women overcome their lack of libido and enjoy sex.
Male patients report great improvements to their erectile function in more than 80% of cases. Nearly all men report at least some improvements, while the majority can fix even severe forms of ED. Cialis dramatically improves erection control and helps to improve libido simply by providing more confidence and control over erection to male users.
Unfortunately, a female body is a whole different thing and has slightly more complicated mechanics in regards to sexual function. Due to a vastly wider spectrum of factors that can affect female libido, exact clinical studies of Tadalafil’s effect quite hard to set up. This is why we do not have any scientific proof that the medication can help in all cases of sexual dysfunctions.
Various reports and reviews from users, however, suggest that the medication is very helpful and works for most women who want to either improve the quality of sex or want to reignite their passion for sex.
Should You Buy Female Cialis?
If you want to purchase it for yourself, you should definitely try it out. This is a very popular and famous medication that has a long history of success on the international market. Hundreds of studies show that Tadalafil is very effective when it comes to treating arterial hypertension, benign prostate hyperplasia, erectile dysfunction, and some cases of sexual dysfunctions in women. If you want to test how the drug will work for you, go for it.
Purchasing a drug for your partner/spouse should not be a secret. Tadalafil is not a magical aphrodisiac that you can sneakily add to the drink of your beloved one. This is a medication that works on the physiological level meaning sexual stimulation and complete willingness to have sex from your partner are vital factors. The blood starts filling up cavernous tissues of a penis or clitoris only after the cerebral cortex sends a signal.
Female Cialis is a great medication that comes at a relatively low price and can help in a wide variety of cases. You can use it to boost your sexuality and improve the sensitivity of genitals. Either way, you can purchase a bulk of pills from My Canadian Pharmacy and enjoy various benefits and discounts. If you want to just try the drug out, you can get a sample for a very low price!
Where Can You Buy Female Cialis?
The drug has been quite popular during last two decades. There are dozens of vendors who actively distribute the drug all over the world. You can find some of the best generic drugs at My Canadian Pharmacy mycanadianpharmacypro.com and its joint online shops. There are several important benefits to shopping online.
Save time. You don’t have to go anywhere and leave the comfort of your home. You can simply make a cup of tea, sit in front of your laptop, and order any kind of drug. At the same time, you will have an access to consultations from a specialist. All of that without the need to travel or spend time in queues.
Compare prices. Comparing drugs and prices is the best benefit that an informed customer can ask for. You can easily browse the catalogue and discover a lot of interesting options and compare them to other drugs and offers from other stores. Simultaneously, you will have an unlimited access to the ocean of information about each single options meaning that you will always make informed decisions.
Save more money. Due to a much wider spread of offer, the prices are generally lower when compared to numbers that you usually see in land-based pharmacies. The industry may seem oversaturated yet it is not a bad thing for a patient. You can always find a good deal on a bulk purchase or cut down expenses by choosing an efficient delivery option.
The Most Popular Questions from Customers about Cialis for Women
How to Use Female Cialis?
A: The medication should be used orally. You can swallow it with or without water. A single pill should not be cut in half or otherwise deformed. You should not take more than a pill per day and avoid unnecessary high concentrations of the drug in your organism. The recommended dosage, as mentioned previously, is 2.5-10 mg depending on the severity of the sexual dysfunction. Using more than a recommended amount is not advised. Do not take the pill together with alcohol and/or so-called poppers.
When Should I Take Female Cialis?
A: The drug can help in various cases of sexual dysfunctions in women. However, you should take Cialis only once a day 30-40 minutes before engaging in sexual activities. Note that taking a pill with food and/or grapefruit juice can delay the effect. Plan your intercourses wisely and do not overuse the medication unnecessarily.
Can I Take Female Cialis Regularly?
A: The recommended daily dosage of Female Cialis is 2.5-5 mg per day. However, you can try using a 10mg pill as well. Increasing the daily dosage without a consultation with a doctor is not recommended. Remember that the drug can lower the blood pressure and has side effects meaning that you must be very careful when implementing a drug like Cialis in your treatment plan.
Does Female Cialis Contain Additional “Secret” Ingredients?
A: The pill usually contains only means of drug transportation while Tadalafil acts as the sole active component. This allows the drug to have a very defined pharmacological effect. However, there are some versions of generic Female Cialis that may contain various additives such as stimulants and antidepressants. In the vast majority of cases, recovering the sensitivity of the clitoris is all that is required to restore the sexual function and enjoy sexual activities.
Are There Any Contradictions to Using Female Cialis?
A: Tadalafil is a PDE5 inhibitor that affects the blood flow and arteries. This means that some patients should be very careful when using the medication. For example, patients with a history of cardiovascular diseases, kidney or liver dysfunctions, and high blood pressure should use the medication in very low quantities or abstain from using it altogether. Some genetic conditions like retinitis pigmentosa and other can also be a problem.
Why Is Female Cialis the Best Drug to Treat Female Sexual Dysfunctions?
A: Female Cialis is not comparable to some other medications that treat the root of the problem and try to improve the general wellbeing of women. Most of such drugs do not actually pinpoint the problem and often do not solve the problem. The difficulty in interpretation of the health condition and identification of the cause that leads to physiological changes and decrease in libido make it hard to choose the right drug. However, Female Cialis works on a physiological level and helps to improve the quality of sex and subsequently libido regardless of the cause.